
Connie’s coaching programs for individuals, couples or groups will lead you to be the best parent you were meant to be and maximize the potential of the child you were meant to have.

She will help you adjust to a diagnosis of Autism, find appropriate resources and get you and your child to where you need to be in a timely fashion. In addition she will guide you to fine-tune your parent-child relationship and move to a place of confidence, where hurdles are more easily maneuvered – a place where you can experience:

  • mealtimes without hassles,
  • bedtimes without battles,
  • grooming without tears
  • toilet training without struggles
  • shopping trips without tantrums
  • and more stable household harmony for all.

Here are the options that Parent Coaching for Autism (PCA) offers:

Emergency Coaching Session

Do you have a parenting issue that is challenging you right now? Would you like to save yourself valuable time and effort trying to figure it out by yourself? Don’t let time constraints and confusion hinder your way. What you need is some laser-focused coaching and consulting to get relief and results – fast!

An Emergency Coaching Session is a highly focused, fast action consulting session with Connie designed to help you replace any confusion or doubt with a detailed action plan you can implement right away.

Get one step closer to a solution and click here for more information.

Proactive Coaching Program

The Proactive Coaching Program is for the forward thinking, motivated parent that desires to move to the next level. Connie’s Proactive Coaching Program will enhance your level of parenting success with a valuable roadmap to keep you from losing your way. Acquire the long-term parenting skills necessary to experience long-term transformational change and meaningful outcomes … on your terms.

This twelve session coaching program is available in various cost saving packages, click here to view your options.

Each Proactive Parent Coaching for Autism session comes with:

  • E-mail access to your coach
  • Follow-up summaries for your records
  • Resources supplied as needed

All coaching is confidential.